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  • Writer's pictureIedil Dzuhrie Alaudin

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Updated: May 12, 2020

There is a section in Beautiful Water, a play I was part of where I had to read a poem by famous Japanese poet, Akiko Yosano.

In Fujimi, I read the English translation and did the Bahasa Indonesia version in Jakarta. Sharing it with you today.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Akiko Yosano

Tomorrow, tomorrow,

You are a mysterious road

A road of the future

A road that is in front of me

A road that has not yet passed.

No matter how full of pain it is

I long for you, yearn for you,

No matter how beautiful life is now

I dance while waiting for you.

Tomorrow, tomorrow,

Like death and hunger

I am often disappointed with you.

I  know that you will- too quickly-

Turn into ordinary today

And become gray yesterday.

You are ...bait

Made for for catching People,

You are like smoke, like light

I want to curse you.

But I long for you,

And sing like a child on the eve of the festival,

“Tomorrow, tomorrow...”

There is still a new infinite

Tomorrow in front of me.

Whether you bring tears, regret, love, people, pleasure,

Whatever you bring,

You are the power to draw me


Hari Esok

Akiko Yosano

Hari Esok, Oh Hari Esok

Kau berada di depanku

Bagaikan setapak jalan misteri

menuju masa depan yg belum aku injak.

Walau di hari yang sangat susah, Aku bersemangat karena mendambakanmu,

Walau di hari yang bahagia,

Aku melompat kegirangan karena menantikan dirimu.

Hari Esok, Oh Hari Esok

Aku berjalan dikejar kematian dan kelaparan,

lalu berkali-kali kecewa denganmu.

Selalu, aku selalu membencimu

Karena kau akan berubah menjadi hari ini yang tidak istimewa,

hingga menjadi hari kemarin yang tidak berwarna.

Aku pun mengutuk kau

adalah umpan yang memancing manusia dengan wanginya,

Padahal kau hanya asap yang sekilas terlihat seperti cahaya..

Tetapi masih saja

aku menginginkan kau,

dan bernyanyi seperti anak-anak pada malam sebelum hari raya,

“Hari Esok, Oh hari esok”

Di depanku, hari esok yang baru terus berlanjut, tak terbatas.

Kau membawa padaku air mata, penyesalan, cinta, prestasi, hiburan atau apa pun itu,

Kau adalah kekuatan yang menarikku hari ini.

Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin


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